We are in the final round of the ‘Fertilise The Future’ competition organised by detergent manufacturer Ecover. We were chosen as one of six projects to present ourselves in Germany – more than 750 projects applied! This is already a great success and a great recognition!
To get ahead now, we have to spread our “ProjectHashtag” #sarsaraleXecover on SocialMedia until 6.12..as far as possible With your help we will mangage this challenge!
It’s a bit like planting a tree: you do something small now and it becomes a big thing that will last for decades.
Just write a small contribution, e.g. :
“I support a great foodforest project. You are building a large forest garden near Berlin as a pilot project for sustainable, constructive agriculture.
A nice video and further information on https://waldgartenpilot.de/startnext-english
#sarsaraleXecover @ecover_en @waldgartenpilot
and then share it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. and where else you like to be (also next door.de is great).
We can win real money again with this Challenge, and put it into the faster construction of this forest garden, into our tutorials, into scientific documentation and evaluation … and maybe even initiate another forest garden project.
Thanks for your support!

Further infos see https://waldgartenpilot.de/startnext-english