Last call:

Dear friends and supporters of our future foodforest garden near Rehfelde/Berlin,

Our crowdfunding campaign at will come to an end on Sunday, January 10th. So here’s a quick reminder to all old and new allies to kick the drum one last time! Donations can be made until Sunday, a Thank-You-Voucher received or you can simply support a sustainable project for our future at the beginning of the new year.
Thanks to the more than one hundred supporters, we have already collected the missing money for the land purchase. Now we would like to be able to purchase the most basic requirements for the start: to plant windbreak hedges, carry out soil improvement measures, purchase tools. All of this naturally incurs costs. Our dream would be a greenhouse for growing the plants. If you intended to support us, but have forgotten to do it – now is another chance 🙂
And if you have already supported us, you might think of one or the other person who would be happy to see more foodforest gardens in Brandenburg. Foodforest gardens have many advantages for the climate, biodiversity and of course healthy food production in our environment.

Many thanks for the support!
Your forest garden team